College Application Essay

Standard Pack AI-Based Technology for Writing Essays – Get Ideas for Constructing Essays that Highlight Your Points and Ideas.

449.00 incl. GST


Standard Pack is an AI-based technology that helps you write an essay based on the topic you choose. This technology will not write the essay for you, but it will provide you with ideas and suggestions on how to construct your essay. It provides a basic structure and pointers so that you can build your essay around the points you want to emphasize. With Standard Pack, you can get the creative juices flowing and easily craft an effective essay.


Standard Pack is an AI-based technology that helps give students the insight they need to write essays with confidence. AI-based technology give you some ideas about how to write the essay the topic you choose. This will not write the essay for you, but only give you suggestions about how to construct the essay for the points you want to highlight. You can use this basic structure and pointers to write the essay yourself.

It is the perfect tool to help you plan and structure the essay you’re looking to write. It takes the guesswork out of essay writing. You can take the ideas suggested by the AI and make them your own, or even use them as a starting point to create something totally new and unique. Standard Pack allows you to brainstorm and organize your thoughts in an efficient and organized manner.

Standard Pack makes use of a comprehensive database of words and phrases, as well as your preferences, to provide tailored suggestions for your essay writing needs. It is incredibly intuitive and easy to use, with a user-friendly interface. You can customize it to your needs, choosing from a wide range of topics and subtopics, and filtering your desired results to find the best results for your essay.

The AI-based technology also provides insights into the essay structure, helping you stay organized and on track. It will break the essay into sections, helping you develop a logical structure and flow to your essay and content. Standard Pack gives you the confidence to craft an essay that addresses all the key points and topics you want to cover.

Standard Pack is the perfect tool to help you plan and structure your essay. With its AI-based technology, you can take the guesswork out of essay writing and confidently craft your essay with ease.

What You Get

  • Generate a list of pointers for 1 Essay Topic, tailored to your specific points.
  • 1 revision allowed.
  • 5 bullet points for you to insert your own story for the essay.
  • Best for students who want some general ideas for their essays and want to write their own essays based on these pointers.


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