College Application Essay Examples

When it comes to writing a college application essay, the process can seem daunting. However, with a little bit of inspiration and guidance, you can turn your story into a winning essay that will help you get into your dream school. Before we share some examples of real-life college application essay examples, lets look at some tips to help you get started on writing an essay:

  1. Find your voice – Your college application essay is an opportunity to showcase your personality and writing style. Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through in your writing.
  2. Be yourself – The admission committee wants to get to know the real you, not a fictional character. Write about your experiences, achievements, and what sets you apart from other applicants.
  3. Focus on a single event or story – A college application essay is not a research paper. Instead, focus on a single event or story that showcases your personality, achievements and strengths.
  4. Show, don’t tell – Use vivid descriptions and sensory details to bring your story to life and help the admission committee understand what makes you unique.
  5. Edit, revise and refine – Writing is a process, and your college application essay is no exception. Take the time to edit, revise and refine your essay until it is the best representation of who you are and what you have to offer.

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Real-Life College Application Essay Examples

Now that you have an idea of what makes a great college application essay, let’s take a look at some real-life examples that will inspire you to write your own.

1. The Overcoming Obstacles Essay

The overcoming obstacles essay is a powerful tool to showcase a student’s resilience, determination, and perseverance. In this type of essay, a student writes about a significant challenge or obstacle they faced and how they overcame it. This could be a personal, academic, or professional challenge, as long as it is something that has had a significant impact on their life. Writing about overcoming obstacles helps to demonstrate the student’s ability to persevere in the face of adversity, and their determination to succeed despite the challenges they have faced.

For example, a student may write about overcoming a learning disability, such as dyslexia. They could describe how they struggled with reading and writing in school, and how they found ways to work around their disability, such as using assistive technology or seeking help from a tutor. They could also discuss how this experience has helped them to develop a strong work ethic, a determination to succeed, and a deep appreciation for the value of education.

By writing about overcoming obstacles, a student can show their character, strength, and resilience, and demonstrate how they have used their experiences to shape their future goals and aspirations.

2. The Passion Project Essay

This essay is about a student who has a passion for a particular subject or hobby. The student writes about how their passion for this subject has driven them to explore new opportunities and pursue their dreams. This essay showcases the student’s creativity, enthusiasm, and dedication, and demonstrates their potential to contribute to their field of study.

The passion project essay is a great way for a student to showcase their interests, passions, and creativity. In this type of essay, a student writes about a project they have undertaken that is deeply meaningful to them, and that reflects their interests, values, and passions. This could be a hobby, an extracurricular activity, or a community service project, as long as it is something the student is passionate about and has had a significant impact on their life.

For example, a student may write about their passion for photography, and how they have used their camera to capture and share the beauty of the world around them. They could describe how they first became interested in photography, how they have developed their skills, and how they have used their passion to give back to their community. They could also discuss how this experience has helped them to develop their creativity, appreciation for the arts, and their ability to see the world in a unique and beautiful way.

By writing about their passion project, a student can show their creativity, individuality, and passion, and demonstrate how they have used their experiences to shape their future goals and aspirations.

3. The Turning Point Essay

This essay is about a student who had a transformative experience that changed their life and shaped who they are today. The student writes about a specific event or situation that marked a turning point in their life and how it impacted their values, beliefs and aspirations. This essay showcases the student’s self-awareness, growth and maturity, and demonstrates how they have used their experiences to shape their future goals.

An example of a Turning Point Essay could be a student who faced a major illness or injury that forced them to reevaluate their life and priorities. Despite the challenges they faced, the student was able to find a renewed sense of purpose and determination, and used their experiences to inspire others and pursue their goals. They write about how this experience helped them discover their passion and purpose, and how it has shaped their future aspirations.

4. The Unique Perspective Essay

This essay is about a student who has a unique perspective on life, culture, or a particular issue. The student writes about their experiences, background, and worldview and how they have shaped their unique perspective. This essay showcases the student’s diversity, individuality, and creativity, and demonstrates how they have used their experiences to develop a unique perspective on life.

An example of a Unique Perspective Essay could be a student who grew up in a multicultural family and has a unique understanding of different cultures and traditions. The student writes about how their experiences have shaped their values and beliefs, and how they have used their diverse perspective to become a more well-rounded and open-minded individual. They also write about how their unique perspective has influenced their future goals and aspirations.

5. The Inspiring Person Essay

This essay is about a student who was inspired by a particular person in their life. The student writes about how this person has influenced their life, values, and goals and why they admire and respect this person. This essay showcases the student’s gratitude, appreciation, and personal growth, and demonstrates how they have used the lessons learned from this person to shape their own life and future.

An example of an Inspiring Person Essay could be a student who was inspired by a teacher who helped them overcome a difficult period in their life. The student writes about how this teacher provided guidance, support, and encouragement, and helped them find their passion and purpose. They write about how this experience has shaped their values and beliefs, and how they have used the lessons learned from this person to inspire others and pursue their own goals and aspirations.

Say goodbye to time-consuming essay writing and hello to effortless assistance. Get a standout college application essay, from the comfort of your home! View our services for more details.

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